#!/bin/bash proxy_github="https://ghproxy.com/" setup_base_init() { #添加出处信息 add_author_info #添加安卓时间服务器 add_dhcp_domain ##设置时区 uci set system.@system[0].zonename='Asia/Shanghai' uci set system.@system[0].timezone='CST-8' uci commit system /etc/init.d/system reload ## 设置防火墙wan 打开,方便主路由访问 uci set firewall.@zone[1].input='ACCEPT' uci commit firewall } ## 安装应用商店 install_istore() { ##设置Argon 紫色主题 并且 设置第三方软件源 setup_software_source 1 opkg install luci-app-argon-config uci set luci.main.mediaurlbase='/luci-static/argon' uci set luci.main.lang='zh_cn' uci commit #这里采用离线包ipk的方式,主要是因为体积小速度快。 #引用软件源的方式反而需要opkg update #而iStore的版本无需担心,因为在安装装机必备时会升级iStore版本,并且用户也可以手动升级 cd /tmp wget https://istore.linkease.com/repo/all/store/taskd_1.0.3-1_all.ipk wget https://istore.linkease.com/repo/all/store/luci-lib-xterm_4.18.0_all.ipk wget https://istore.linkease.com/repo/all/store/luci-lib-taskd_1.0.18_all.ipk wget https://istore.linkease.com/repo/all/store/luci-app-store_0.1.14-2_all.ipk opkg install taskd_1.0.3-1_all.ipk opkg install luci-lib-xterm_4.18.0_all.ipk opkg install luci-lib-taskd_1.0.18_all.ipk opkg install luci-app-store_0.1.14-1_all.ipk #安装首页风格和网络向导 opkg install luci-app-quickstart ##安装完毕之后 还原软件源 setup_software_source 0 #升级iStore商店到最新版 is-opkg do_self_upgrade is-opkg install 'app-meta-ddnsto' #采用iStore方式安装首页需要的文件管理功能 is-opkg install 'app-meta-linkease' # 若已安装iStore商店则在概览中追加iStore字样 if ! grep -q " like iStoreOS" /tmp/sysinfo/model; then sed -i '1s/$/ like iStoreOS/' /tmp/sysinfo/model fi } #设置风扇工作温度 setup_cpu_fans() { #设定温度阀值,cpu高于48度,则风扇开始工作 uci set glfan.@globals[0].temperature=48 uci set glfan.@globals[0].warn_temperature=48 uci set glfan.@globals[0].integration=4 uci set glfan.@globals[0].differential=20 uci commit glfan /etc/init.d/gl_fan restart } # 判断系统是否为iStoreOS is_iStoreOS() { DISTRIB_ID=$(cat /etc/openwrt_release | grep "DISTRIB_ID" | cut -d "'" -f 2) # 检查DISTRIB_ID的值是否等于'iStoreOS' if [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "iStoreOS" ]; then return 0 # true else return 1 # false fi } ## 去除opkg签名 remove_check_signature_option() { local opkg_conf="/etc/opkg.conf" sed -i '/option check_signature/d' "$opkg_conf" } ## 添加opkg签名 add_check_signature_option() { local opkg_conf="/etc/opkg.conf" echo "option check_signature 1" >>"$opkg_conf" } #设置第三方软件源 setup_software_source() { ## 传入0和1 分别代表原始和第三方软件源 if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then echo "# add your custom package feeds here" >/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf ##如果是iStoreOS系统,还原软件源之后,要添加签名 if is_iStoreOS; then add_check_signature_option else echo fi # 还原软件源之后更新 opkg update elif [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then #传入1 代表设置第三方软件源 先要删掉签名 remove_check_signature_option # 先删除再添加以免重复 echo "# add your custom package feeds here" >/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf echo "src/gz dllkids https://op.dllkids.xyz/packages/aarch64_cortex-a53" >>/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf # 设置第三方源后要更新 opkg update else echo "Invalid option. Please provide 0 or 1." fi } # 添加主机名映射(解决安卓原生TV首次连不上wifi的问题) add_dhcp_domain() { local domain_name="time.android.com" local domain_ip="" # 检查是否存在相同的域名记录 existing_records=$(uci show dhcp | grep "dhcp.@domain\[[0-9]\+\].name='$domain_name'") if [ -z "$existing_records" ]; then # 添加新的域名记录 uci add dhcp domain uci set "dhcp.@domain[-1].name=$domain_name" uci set "dhcp.@domain[-1].ip=$domain_ip" uci commit dhcp echo echo "已添加新的域名记录" else echo "相同的域名记录已存在,无需重复添加" fi echo -e "\n" echo -e "time.android.com " } #添加出处信息 add_author_info() { uci set system.@system[0].description='wukongdaily' uci set system.@system[0].notes='文档说明: https://github.com/wukongdaily/gl-inet-onescript' uci commit system } ##获取软路由型号信息 get_router_name() { model_info=$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/model) echo "$model_info" } get_router_hostname() { hostname=$(uci get system.@system[0].hostname) echo "$hostname 路由器" } add_custom_feed() { # 先清空配置 echo "# add your custom package feeds here" >/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf # Prompt the user to enter the feed URL echo "请输入自定义软件源的地址(通常是https开头 aarch64_cortex-a53 结尾):" read feed_url if [ -n "$feed_url" ]; then echo "src/gz dllkids $feed_url" >>/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf opkg update if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "已添加并更新列表." else echo "已添加但更新失败,请检查网络或重试." fi else echo "Error: Feed URL not provided. No changes were made." fi } remove_custom_feed() { echo "# add your custom package feeds here" >/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf opkg update if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "已删除并更新列表." else echo "已删除了自定义软件源但更新失败,请检查网络或重试." fi } # 检查是否安装了 whiptail check_whiptail_installed() { if [ -e /usr/bin/whiptail ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } #定义一个通用的Dialog show_whiptail_dialog() { #判断是否具备whiptail dialog组件 if check_whiptail_installed; then echo "whiptail has installed" else echo "# add your custom package feeds here" >/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf opkg update opkg install whiptail fi local title="$1" local message="$2" local function_definition="$3" whiptail --title "$title" --yesno "$message" 15 60 --yes-button "是" --no-button "否" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval "$function_definition" else echo "退出" exit 0 fi } # 执行重启操作 do_reboot() { reboot } #提示用户要重启 show_reboot_tips() { reboot_code='do_reboot' show_whiptail_dialog "重启提醒" " $(get_router_hostname)\n 一键风格化运行完成.\n 为了更好的清理临时缓存,\n 您是否要重启路由器?" "$reboot_code" } #自定义风扇开始工作的温度 set_glfan_temp() { is_integer() { if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then return 0 # 是整数 else return 1 # 不是整数 fi } echo "兼容带风扇机型的GL-iNet路由器" echo "请输入风扇开始工作的温度(建议40-70之间的整数):" read temp if is_integer "$temp"; then uci set glfan.@globals[0].temperature="$temp" uci set glfan.@globals[0].warn_temperature="$temp" uci set glfan.@globals[0].integration=4 uci set glfan.@globals[0].differential=20 uci commit glfan /etc/init.d/gl_fan restart echo "设置成功!稍等片刻,请查看风扇转动情况" else echo "错误: 请输入整数." fi } rollback_old_version() { download_url="https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/wukongdaily/gl-inet-onescript/raw/1f25c161512e9b416227f60656e8c2139c993f69/gl-inet.run" local_file_path="/tmp/gl-inet.run" wget -O "$local_file_path" "$download_url" chmod +x "$local_file_path" "$local_file_path" } while true; do clear echo "***********************************************************************" echo "* 一键安装工具箱(for gl-inet Router) v1.0 " echo "* Developed by @wukongdaily " echo "**********************************************************************" echo echo "* 当前的路由器型号: $(get_router_name)" echo echo "**********************************************************************" echo echo " 1. MT2500A一键iStore风格化" echo echo " 2. MT3000一键iStore风格化" echo echo " 3. 设置自定义软件源" echo echo " 4. 删除自定义软件源" echo echo " 5. 设置风扇开始工作的温度" echo echo " Q. 退出本程序" echo read -p "请选择一个选项: " choice case $choice in 1) echo "MT2500A一键iStore风格化" #基础必备设置 setup_base_init #安装Argon主题和iStore商店风格 install_istore show_reboot_tips ;; 2) echo "MT3000一键iStore风格化" #设置风扇工作温度 setup_cpu_fans #基础必备设置 setup_base_init #安装Argon主题和iStore商店风格 install_istore show_reboot_tips ;; 3) add_custom_feed ;; 4) remove_custom_feed ;; 5) set_glfan_temp ;; h | H) rollback_old_version exit 0 ;; q | Q) echo "退出" exit 0 ;; *) echo "无效选项,请重新选择。" ;; esac read -p "按 Enter 键继续..." done